Eating Paleo: Need a More Specific Breakdown?
Author: Paleo Skincare

A Brief Guide
There is so much on the internet about eating the Paleo diet, far more information than we can even begin to provide here. Here is a quick go to list of do’s and don’ts when looking at what you are putting in your mouth.
As we know what we put in our mouths directly effects our physique, skin, clarity, focus and sleep (and so much more!!)
DO Eat:
Eggs: especially the yolks!
Lots of meat for fat and protein: lamb, poultry, pork, organ meat, seafood, fish, and beef are all great options! Salmon is a super food you should always pencil in on your shopping list.
Want some bonus points?
Make sure your meats (as well as anything else you eat) are naturally/locally sourced and free of antibiotics, steroids, genetic modification etc. whenever possible!!! Grass fed beef is infinitely better for you than grain fed. If you’re not eating grains and are trying to eat as ‘naturally’ as possible, then why would you eat cows that are consuming an unnatural amount of processed grains in their feed? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?
Tons of veggies: and not just your old favourites! A common misconception about the Paleo diet is that it is boring, but it’s not supposed to be. For starters, there are several ways to serve vegetables; you can roast them, steam them, fry them in coconut oil, include them in a Paleo-friendly stir fry, make a salad with them, or sauté them. You should be eating a diet that is as colourful as possible. This means including beets, capsicum (bell peppers), bok choi, watercress, spinach, turnips, parsnips, and brussel sprouts- not JUST your standard carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. The only ‘restriction’ a Paleo diet places on vegetables is that it is no ‘starchy’ vegetables such as potatoes.
A moderate amount of fruit: There’s a reason that fruit is often called ‘nature’s candy’. Fruits do offer phytochemicals, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. However, they were usually only available to our Paleo ancestors on a seasonal basis. You can (and should) consume them while on the Paleo diet, but many Paleo eaters believe that they should be limited to some extent. This is because fructose is not as easily utilized by our bodies as glucose, and agricultural selection has led to supermarket fruits containing more fructose and less fibre over time. Please keep in mind that fruit juices are considered unacceptable in the Paleo diet, and that shakes and smoothies are not wise choices if you are looking for fat loss.
Seeds and Nuts: These are a favourite snack on the Palo diet, but you shouldn’t go nuts about nuts. They can help you to maintain a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio, but they also contain phytic acid and other “anti-nutrients”. For best results, you should use nuts only as a garnish or accent to snacks and meals. You should also soak them before consumption to remove as much phytic acid and as many other ‘antinutrients’ as possible.
Dairy: This includes all the ‘good stuff’ like cheese, cream cheese, dairy spread, powdered milk, two percent milk, ice cream, pudding, and yogurt. If you aren’t lactose intolerant, the occasional indulgence in whole milk or whole milk products will not be the downfall of your diet. However, things that have been over-processed- like skim milk, low-fat milk, and fat-free creamer- are not acceptable. Soy milk is not a good alternative, either, because soy beans are legumes and are not included in the Paleo diet.
Soft drinks and fruit juices: The culprit here? Sugar! Insane amounts of chemicals and sugars.
Grains: Paleo eaters should avoid these like the plague, as well as any products that include them. This is especially difficult in the modern world, where they are often eaten by the cupful at each and every meal. This category is a big one. It includes bread, toast, sandwiches, cereals, crackers, oatmeal, corn, corn syrup, pancakes, and wheat. Oh- and pasta, hash browns, and beer, too!
Artificial sweeteners: There was nothing ‘artificial’ in the day of the cave man. Try honey, maple syrup, or even Stevia as alternatives. Artificial = chemical storm.
Legumes: You might not know what they are, but we’re willing to bet you love them. Examples of legumes include beans, peas, and peanuts- and any derivatives from them.
Fatty or low-quality meats: Lay off of the hot dogs, spam, and potted meat. Hopefully, these won’t be a challenge to eliminate, because you didn’t eat many of them to begin with, right? We’re not sure of any diet that deems these foods to be healthy.
Prepackaged snacks: Anything that can sit on a shelf for years without going ‘bad’ is a no go.
Energy drinks and alcohol: These aren’t so good for you anyway. Fortunately, wine is still acceptable at times of celebration, not an everyday treat.
Sugary sweets: This may be difficult at first, but eventually fruit and the very occasional bit of dark chocolate will be more than suitable to satisfy any sugar cravings you may get.